Tuesday, January 15, 2013

24 weeks

How far along? 24 weeks, 5 days
Baby Stats: approximately 13.5 in, 1.5 lb! The size of a Rutabaga
Total weight gain/loss: +6 lbs at my last dr appt
Maternity clothes? Regular Jeans are almost impossible to wear now. But i force my butt into them every once in a while. Regular shirts are no longer a go.
Stretch marks? Not on my belly
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good
Best moment this week: Having my belly pop!! And starting to feel solid movements not just kicks.
Miss Anything? being able to take my truck muddin
Movement: Feeling her all the time. A lot of rolling on top of all the kicks
Food cravings: tacos, golden delicious apples, pepperonis
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: Oh yes
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: A few random contractions
Belly Button in or out? In but getting more shallow
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: another 3D ultrasound tomorrow.. IF i can get there. The roads are covered in ice right now. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

22 weeks!

How far along? 22 weeks, 5 days
Baby Stats: approximately 11.5 in, 1.1 lb! The size of a Large Mango
Total weight gain/loss: not sure. I would guess Im up 2 lbs total
Maternity clothes? Still in love with Gap Leggings. A lot of my regular shirts are starting to get too short now though.
Stretch marks? Not yet besides some on my inner thighs. ICK!
Sleep: Not as bad as last week. Sleeping a little better. Baby kicks are waking me up though
Best moment this week: definitely the 3D ultrasound that she was being so stubborn for. 
Miss Anything? not this week really
Movement: She was really really low this past week so movement was less.
Food cravings: Chocolate shakes and mexican
Anything making you queasy or sick: nope
Have you started to show yet: Id say so!
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In but getting more shallow
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: another 3D ultrasound this Friday to hopefully get better images. Cant wait to see her face again!! Also getting my hair colored tomorrow!

Friday, December 21, 2012

21 weeks

Ill start doing these every Thursday when I begin a new week. Like I said, I feel like crap today so I still have sloppy hair and am wearing pajamas lol

How far along? 21 weeks, 1 day
Baby Stats: approximately 8 in, 1 lb! The size of a Spaghetti Squash
Total weight gain/loss: up 1 lb! 
Maternity clothes? Im in love with Gap Maternity leggings. I live in them. I do have a few pair of Motherhood Maternitys super stretch bootleg jeans I wear. they're awesome. Still mostly in reg shirts.
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: This past week my sleep has really gone down hill :(
Best moment this week: Watching baby on the ultrasound machine for almost an hour. I love her so much.
Miss Anything? I miss a good alcoholic drink every once in a while! That and feta cheese!
Movement: Tons of it, even though I have an anterior placenta which cushions a lot of movement.
Food cravings: they've been really random. Pickles, chocolate shakes, and pepperonis
Anything making you queasy or sick: Cooking hamburger meat.
Have you started to show yet: Yep!
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: 3D/4D ultrasound a week from today! 

Lazy day + Videos!

Well today I am just not feeling so great. Lately I have been feeling amazing! Full of energy, finally getting my appetite back... that kind of thing. But today, I just feel like crap. I have a headache, my hips are killing me, and I have ZERO energy.

Part of it may have to do with the fact that I am not sleeping well at all lately. I really just cannot get or stay comfortable. Im to the point that I'm about to spend $70 on a pregnancy pillow and I was really trying to avoid that! lol Anyone have any recommendations or personal pillow experiences to share!?

Anyways, I thought I would post some videos here too. The first is at the Gender Reveal ultrasound. I was 16+6 and baby was being stubborn but we finally got the money shot!!

This next video is from about 2 days ago. First big kick caught on camera at 21 weeks :)

Omg do y'all see how hairy my belly is!? Im becoming a wooly mammoth and its ridiculous haha!

Thats all for now! 
Megan and Tic Tac

Thursday, December 20, 2012

21 weeks gestation!

Well today I am 21 weeks pregnant!! Starting on my 22nd week :) 

Im so thankful to have gotten this far in my pregnancy. Each and every day is such a blessing. It has been a very trying 5 months, but it is getting better and better. I never imagined I would be so in love with being pregnant. Its an amazing Experience! 

Yesterday was my 20 week Anatomy scan. I was 20 weeks + 6 days. The ultrasound went perfectly. It was very long, about 45 minutes, and I about peed myself!! Teagan doesn't really care for Sonograms much! She bucks like a wild bull and kicks and punches the entire time. My already extremely full bladder was getting used as a punching bag. It was a blast haha! 

Baby girl weighed about 13 ounces and her heart rate was 148. She looked absolutely perfect. Her big head got the all clear, we saw her 4 tiny little heart chambers too! She has a 3-vessel cord and you could see it so clearly! I basically watched in amazement the entire time. This tiny little human was growing inside of me. My heart was full of love for her. 

Here are some pictures. Aren't they amazing!?

Look at the chunk on her thighs in this one! You can also see her cord between her legs here :) 

She's still a girl! 

After, I had my regular appointment. Let me just say that I LOVE MY DOCTOR!!! She is absolutely fantastic! She is young and laid back and just open to anything with me. She said belly feels good, My Harmony test results came back perfectly normal, and I'm finally putting on weight! YAY :)  She is going to help me look for a doula in this area and she seemed excited that I was open to that and that I'm looking into the Hypnobabies method! 

She said from here we just roll through till 28 weeks. At that appointment I do my glucose test, get a Rhogam shot (ugh great!) and then the dr visits become more frequent. My next appt is Jan 16th. Ill be 24+6. 

Well I know that a lot of that was mumbo jumbo, but thats all part of it! Teagan Rae, I had so much fun watching you on tv yesterday!! Mommy can't wait to meet you. I love you so much <3 

Talk to ya soon, 
Megan and Tic Tac

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

How I got to where I am today :)

First, a little bit about me. I am 23 years old. Im a momma to be, a photographer, book worm, shower-singer, and Military widow. In June of 2010 I married my soul-mate. He was the best thing to have ever happened to me! We were crazily, madly in love. We tried for a few months before he deployed to get pregnant with no luck.

Jan 2nd 2012, he got on a plane and was shipped to Afghanistan. I fell more in love with him every day he was away. February 23rd 2012, My sweet husband was shot and killed. He was finally coming home to me, only he would be draped in an American Flag. It has been a long journey, Ive learned so much about myself and an inner strength that I never knew was there. I am so happy to be where I am today and the person I am becoming. I wouldn't be half the woman I am without the love my husband gave me.

Then I met someone. I did a very scary thing and let him into my life. I fell for him. Gave him all the love I had to give. On August 20th, We were together a little over 2 months when I found out I was pregnant. At first, I was shocked and terrified!!! Shocked because for the two years I was married, I never got pregnant (I wasn't on bc). Terrified because this wasn't supposed to happen. I wasn't supposed to be here, widowed, in a new relationship, and pregnant. What was I supposed to do. 

I didn't have much time to think about it before the scares started. At only 4 weeks pregnant I started having bleeding and cramping. For weeks they had me on bed rest and told me i might be having a miscarriage. My levels were pretty low and nothing showed on an ultrasound until 6 weeks. Slowly but surely, things got better. At 14 weeks, some things came to light and I had to accept that I would be a single mommy. I couldn't be more excited!! 

Fast Forward to today. I am now 20 weeks and 4 days pregnant with a tiny baby GIRL! Her name is Teagan Rae. I absolutely cannot wait to meet her :) Ill share some images with you guys to get caught up on my first trimester! *you can click on the images to expand*

Thats it for now! 
Love Meg and Baby Tic Tac :)